Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Pecha Kucha

The presenter does many things well. He provides many different pictures of what he is talking about and explains the images that may not be easily interpreted. The pictures that he used of the unique 3-D printed items were the most effective aspects of his presentation.

 The most lackluster part of his presentation was that he has a thick accent and was not completely fluent in English which made some of the more complicated areas hard to understand. He also did now have enough to talk about during some slides leaving anywhere from 2 – 5 seconds of no talking.

Overall I noticed that he had put in a lot of time and effort into his Pecha Kucha and it was rather good. Although I’m skeptical about how well a Pecha Kucha will turn out at the high school level, it does work very well on the professional side of things. I’m completely confident in making a Pecha Kucha that meets all requirements.