Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Things About Me

Things About Me
1.) I've lived in Springfield my entire life, but I aspire to travel the world

2.) I like having a list of things to do and marking them off as I do them

3.) I'm not as organized as I'd like to be

4.) I play a lot of sports including soccer and tennis

5.) My favorite holiday is the 4th of July, mainly because of the fireworks

6.) I am trying to fulfill the role of Assemblies Commissioner by creating the best assemblies possible

7.) I've been in a relationship with my girlfriend for over 4 years.

8.) I recently moved into a new house

9.) Although I've never gone to another school other than Parkview, I've never lived in Parkviews district

10.) I enjoy reading and revising my peers papers

11.) I'm afraid to learn how to make food because I don't think I would ever stop eating

12.) I love watching the Cardinals, I would almost say I'm addicted

13.) I hated the only real job that I've ever had

14.) The Minnesota Vikings are my favorite football team, mainly because of my father

15.) Sleeping is something I enjoy purely because I don't get enough of it

16.) My favorite color is Green

17.) I've always liked math, but the feeling isn't quite mutual

18.) Chemistry is my favorite subject even though I'm not taking it this year

19.) I want to be an Engineer or a Doctor, I'm not quite sure

20.) Even though people think I'm creative, I don't think so

21.) My current ACT score is 27 but I'm trying to get into the 30's

22.) The car I drive has been in my family longer than I have

23.) I like helping people who need it but not always people who want it

24.) My favorite movie is Sandlot

25.) I have to many celebrity crushes to name

26.) I like to wear nice clothes for no specific occasion

27.) My favorite artist is George Watsky

28.) My dog, Bear, is a Chow Chow - German Shepard mix

29.) 16 is my favorite number

30.) I'm claustrophobic because my brother locked me in a closet without a handle when I was 7

31.) I like watching Psyche

32.) My cousins run the largest DIY blog in the world

33.) I don't like living in big cities

34.) I have a lot of facial expressions, most are ugly

35.) The farthest I've been is Montana

36.) I want to learn a language that uses symbols

37.) I hate shopping, even for myself

38.) My nickname is TrevNasty, I still don't know where that came from

39.) During tennis season, I literally play everyday with my friends

40.) My family consists of Irish and German heritage, this is probably why I'm so pale

41.) I have taken Spanish for 5 years but I still have a lot to learn

42.) I'm an extremely picky eater and I'm thankful that my mom is practically a professional cook

43.) I have an Uncle Chad, but he's actually my cousin

44.) White Tigers are my absolute favorite animals, but one hasn't been seen for over 50 years

45.) I stopped drinking soda in May and so far I have been successful

46.) I am a Blue Belt in karate, I stopped because it would have take multiple years to become a Black Belt

47.) I want to learn as many languages as possible, I find that the way different languages work fascinating

48.) I've never liked hanging posters or paintings on my walls

49.) I used to be a very good goalie in soccer but I can't be anymore because I've gotten 2 concussions

50.) I'm a believer in the butterfly effect


  1. Do you honestly enjoy reading and reviewing your peers papers??

    1. I do! I find it very enjoyable and if they end up getting a good grade I feel like I've really helped someone!

  2. First of all, let me congratulate you on a fabulous Hi Vike assembly! Assemblies commissioner is a time consuming job. We're lucky to have you. Was your dad a Viking, too? (You say he got you to love Viking football...) I haven't seen your ugly facial expression...yet! I love Sandlot, too. Release the beast!

    1. By Viking fan I mean the Minnesota Vikings, perhaps I should add the Minnesota aspect.. oops! He lived in Iowa as a kid and the closest NFL team that was respectable was the Vikings. I have recently been seeing more people will Viking apparel and it's quite comforting knowing that I'm not the only Viking fan in the Midwest.

  3. Fireworks are great!

    1. Definitely one of my favorite things about the 4th, that and the food!

  4. I've lived in Springfield my whole life as well! We must be twins or something?

  5. please explain why you enjoy revising papers. do you ever plan to travel out of the country?

    1. I love the satisfying feeling I get when someone gets a good grade on a paper that I revised. I would also love to travel out of the country and finally use my Spanish that's taken me 5 years to obtain

  6. You're doing a good job as an assemblies commissioner.

    1. Thank you very much! I'm trying to make them as memorable as possible!

  7. Hey I play soccer also! what team do you play for?
    also, Trev naked Nasty or Nah?

    1. I have no idea what you're referencing to. Gantlets are the worst thing we do for soccer D':

  8. I've also lived in Springfield for forever. It sucks.

    1. Even though it's been 17 years.. I miss it if I'm gone for more than a few weeks.

  9. Replies
    1. I don't even like shopping for myself, but it's needed sometimes..

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Replies
    1. Every time I come across it on TV, I have to sit down and watch! Benny 'The Jet' Rodriguez being chased by Hercules is my favorite scene

  12. I love chemistry! I am not taking it this year either, just because it was unnecessary for what I want to major in. I do miss it, though!

    1. I feel like I don't know near as much as I did last year mainly because I'm missing Chemistry :/

  13. The Sandlot reminds me of a shirt my brother owns with a kid from the Sandlot that says for-ev-er

    1. I love that shirt! I always wanted to steal is from him.

  14. Do you wan to move from Springfield, after high school?

  15. 1. Minnesota Vikings suck. You know how I feel about your "QB'' Matt Cassel
    2. Sandlot is a terrible movie
    3. Bro you do an okay job with assemblies so keep it up
    4. You have the body shape of a cube
    5. I created your nickname because you play dirty.
    6. You're a funny dude. So don't delete this comment

    1. Thank you for your kind words.. sort of. Matt Cassel is probably ranked 30/30 in starting QBs..

    2. it would actually be 32/32 because there are 32 football teams in the NFL. come on Trevor pay attention.

  16. I hate shopping if it isn't for me!

    1. I don't like it at all! It's very time consuming especially because I'm very picky, I also hate being in crowded places.

  17. Replies
    1. Soccer is an amazing sport that I hope everyone participates in at some point

  18. The butterfly effect is for real bro.

  19. To do lists are the only thing that keep me on track.

  20. I also want to travel around the world.

  21. I am as well shooting for a 30 on the ACT and do like math too
