Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Face To Face

         Listening to the testimonies from the victims of the backlash of 9/11 and Pearl Harbor opened my eyes about what they had to go through. Many of them felt like they had lost their citizenship overnight and that they had to redeem themselves even though they hadn't done anything. I believe that the experience with Pearl Harbor was worse for those affected because it was the first large scale attack on America and the government was in on the propaganda alongside citizens by arresting Japanese Americans and placing them in concentration camps. When 9/11 happened, although there was a large about of racism toward Muslims, the government didn't go to the lengths that they did with Pearl Harbor.

         With both groups being effected in such a negative way, it would seem to be easy for them to hate being in America and what it no longer has to offer them because of something that they didn't do, however, the opposite is true. Many of the interviewees were optimistic about the future and what it has in store for them. They were excited for the opportunities that they had been given after the fact to regain their citizenship. For myself, having this outlook on life after being harasses by the government and normal people on the street would be extremely difficult and I can't help but think that the entire experience would leave a bitter taste in my mouth.

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