Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Plagerism - A Book Response #5

            I didn’t enjoy reading this article, mainly because how the author talked about the subject matter. The subject matter, plagiarism, isn’t all that bad. The subject could even be interesting, if the author(s) aren’t librarians that are tired of students copying and pasting their way through school. With the author having a negative outtake on what they're writing about, the article quickly becomes a slew of negativeness and is too repetitive to actually care about. They have taken the view of other biased people about plagiarism and they also have the same view, mainly because the interviewees consist of other librarians and English teachers that are also tired of plagiarism in their classroom. This wouldn't be bothersome to me if the article talked about students that don't plagiarize their papers and that do their work, but instead it's all about students that make the wrong decision otherwise known as the easy way out.

There are some interesting and intelligent parts in this article. The sections when the authors talk about how society has changed with the influx of new technology. It goes over how before students used computers to type papers and they would always cite their sources that they used. According to the article, many students don’t see a problem with copying a pasting things off the internet due to the fact that anyone can find it and to them, it’s considered common knowledge.

“This generation has always existed in a world where media and intellectual property don’t have the same gravity,”

                Overall, I managed to get through this article but that was about it. I honestly didn’t gain much from reading it, perhaps it’s because I don’t plagiarize. I don’t see plagiarism as a way to pass a class, especially in high school because most of the promps are very detailed and specific and trying to find a paper that matches the criteria would take longer than typing up the paper myself.

Some women that were involved in this article that complain
 about plagiarism in a learning environment


  1. I really enjoyed the caption on the picture in this post. It made me LOL.

  2. I just want to let you know that I love the title of your blog and quote very much. Your caption on the picture is great.

    1. I'm glad you like my blog! I too enjoy yours! Making this assignment fun makes it seem like of a chore

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