Sunday, October 5, 2014

Revive - A Book Response (Pages 0-49)

              Revive is a book that many people, varying in age, can connect too even though it involves an extreme case of sci-fi. The book starts off with the protagonist, who was previously deceased, being brought back to life the night after she passed away. The couple who bring her back to life, one large physically fit man and the other a slim attractive woman, seem to be the main caretakers of the young girl. Both are apart of a secret agency that has created the drug and the protagonist is the main test subject.
              Throughout the first 20 or so pages, the book leads you to believe that the main character is the only one of her kind and that her position is very unique in that way, however, after the very beginning of the book you realize she is apart of a group called the Buses. Each of the 14 or so children were involved in an horrific crash and the 14 that are apart of the revive program were the people that were selected to be brought back to life at the crash. This leads you to assume that the incident was a bus crash during a school event but you don't know why the bus crashed or how it did so.
                The only friend the young girl has ever had is a girl by the name of Megan, whom was also involved in the original accident and they still keep in contact with each other. This is due to the fact that because Daisy is relocated many times every time she dies, using the time and effort to make friends isn't really worth it.
                When she moves into the town of Omaha, remembering a past encounter of missing out on a possible friend, Daisy accepts a lunch invitation from a girl that she believes to be one of the most popular girls in her school. This is quite unusual for her and when she tells Megan about the newly acquired friend, she is exceptionally skeptical , for good reason.

Cover of the book


  1. The theme of this book actually seems interesting. What is her reason for being skeptical about the invite?

  2. she is skeptical because of how unusual it is for Bus kids to make actual friends. It also is extremely risky

  3. I like reading books I can connect to, it makes them have more of a purpose.

  4. I wouldn't want to come back to life after I died.
