Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Dave Berry Article - A Book Response #4

This is how I picture Dave Barry in College
            Dave Barry’s article (?) basically talks about how pointless college is and that you really don’t use much of what you learn while you’re there. It’s also about what you should and shouldn’t study while in college. If you want to pass and get a degree, you should probably major in something that doesn’t have any actual facts involved with it instead of math and chemistry which are based entirely on factual information. Making up random garbage is usually the best way to pass these non-factual classes because if you turn in something that would be considered normal, you will most likely fail the class where on the other hand if you turn in something extremely off-the-wall, you’re teacher will think that you’re the smartest one in the class and pass you with flying colors.

"Here is a very important piece of advice: be sure to choose a major that does not involve Known 

Facts and Right Answers"

            Overall, I enjoyed reading this short-story-esk writing and found it to be humorous, especially because I’m currently applying to colleges and I want to major in one of the four subjects that actually involves factual information: chemistry. I hope to read more from Dave Barry where he writes like he did in this passage.


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